5. Configuring the Controller

5.1. [robot]

Variable Default Value Description
owner YourRemoUsername The username you have registered on remo.tv
robot_key YourRobotAPIKey The API key for your robot that you made on the site.
channel   The name of the channel you want the robot to join. This is optional. If the channel name cannot be found, the robot will join the first channel.
type none the type of robot you have (see list).
turn_delay 0.4 Only used by the motor_hat and mdd10. This changes how long your robot turns for. I suggest you leave this at the default value until after your bot is moving.
straight_delay 0.5 Only used by the motor_hat and mdd10. This changes how long your robot drives for. I suggest you leave this at the default value until after your bot is moving.

5.2. [camera]

Variable Default Value Description
no_camera false This allows the camera to be disabled.
no_mic false This allows the microphone to be disabled.
type ffmpeg This sets the audio/video handler to use. Currently only ffmpeg and ffmpeg_arecord are supported.
x_res 768 Sets the resolution for the X axis.
y_res 432 Sets the resolution for the Y axis.
camera_device /dev/video0 Sets the device name for the camera.
mic_num 1,0 Sets the audio hardware number for the microphone.
mic_device   Sets the name of the microphone for if the hardware number keeps changing.

5.3. [tts]

Variable Default Value Description
type espeak see the list below.
tts_volume 80 This is the volume level you want your bot to start with.
anon_tts true This allows you to enable or disable anonymous users from accessing your bots’ TTS features.
filter_url_tts true This option allows URLs pasted into chat to be blocked from the TTS function.
ext_chat true This enables or disables the extended chat functions.
speaker_num 1,0 This is the ALSA hardware number for your Pi. 0 is the first sound card that should work for most bots.
speaker_device   This is the name of your device if the hardware number keeps changing.
boot_message ok This is a list of phrases your bot can say when it’s ready to move. Separated by commas.
delay_tts false This enables or disables delaying messages being spoken. Messages that are deleted while waiting will not be spoken over TTS.
delay 10 Time in seconds to delay the TTS function.